Robin Williams
When I was in Scotland I was in an almost sickeningly happy relationship with the most sweet young man who promptly developed the bravery of a mouse when I realised I would have to relocate for work. This is fair as I could not ask him to commit when he clearly did not want to but I think I would have received a more pleasant reaction if I had told him I was radioactive. I may add here that this lovely young man is now seeing someone I used to babysit...
Elayne Boosler
After living in London for just over a month I met the lovely Mr X. We did and still do spend a lot of time together. We have kissed a couple of times but after discussing the situation we decided staying friends was the better option. This was ideal for me, having just came out of a relationship I certainly did not want another one, but I can say it was him who made the actual decision - basically he said the words "I think we're better as just friends". Marvelous. Now that is the kind of communication I find easy to understand and we have been great friends since.
So I then take up the invitation visit Irishman, a fantastic person who seems relatively easy to understand - other than the fact he is 30 and has never had a relationship that has lasted over 3 months, although I am aware he has had plenty of offers (alarm bells? No.) We have a fantastic weekend, he schedules a trip to see me and we chat every couple of days. Nothing serious, nothing full on, just enjoying each others company. Superb.
THEN after I have had one too many glasses of wine the lovely Mr X decides to say this to me: "actually, I think I have been a total eejit and that we should be together" and think to myself that its probably not the best time to say "erm, yeah I know your the loveliest person I have met since arriving in London and I know we have kissed a few times but I have an Irishman coming to see me".
I only want to be friends with Mr X, I have considered it and discussed it at length with a friend who also knows Mr X and is telling me that he will be very hurt when he finds out about Irish.
Men... I do not think I will ever understand the way their minds work
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